Riley and Davis at Silver Dollar City

Riley and Davis at Silver Dollar City

Friday, February 22, 2013

Update-No real answers at this time

We met with the surgeon (Dr. Renner) yesterday. He advised us against going forward with surgery at this time. He thinks the area on the base of my tongue is too large to operate on without leaving me on a feeding tube and unable to speak for the rest of my life, as the amount of tissue removed would be significant.

I am still headed to the University of Chicago the first week of March. While there I will have several appointments spread over a couple days as an entire team will evaluate previous information and my current status before making any recommendations.

Based on the surgeons thoughts yesterday we are also working to get appointments at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas.

We are gathering as much information as possible so that we can make the best decision for quality and quantity of life. My case is just unusual, and more advanced than originally thought, and we don’t have a lot of answers or really know what the future holds.


**Again, if you have questions please post them in the comments and we will answer them**

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