Riley and Davis at Silver Dollar City

Riley and Davis at Silver Dollar City

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Feeding Tube

Yesterday Alicia had her feeding tube placed. The surgery went really well and she is feeling pretty good. She did have to stay overnight at the hospital but that was expected.

The feeding tube will only be used if/when her throat becomes too irritated from radiation to eat by mouth. Until that point she is able to eat normally. Once she is to the point of needing to tube feed it is a fairly simple matter of using a syringe to put formula directly into her stomach.

As of now radiation is set to start next week, while that will be difficult, it is also short term. Seven weeks, 35 treatments...

If anyone has any questions, post them in the comments...Thanks!


  1. Thank you for the updates we love and miss Alicia very much.

    Get well soon,

    Mike D

  2. Hey Alicia, I just thought it would help to hear some things from someone who had been through this. Definitely, the worst part of the radiatin was the throat irritation. I did not have a feeding tube, just painfully ate liquids mostly. There is a very long list of side effects to the radiation, but the only one that has effectd me so far is the thyroid issue. I cannont stress enough how important it is to stay upbeat and try not to be nervous. We are praying for you and your family, and look forward to more updates, Scott McGraw.
