Riley and Davis at Silver Dollar City

Riley and Davis at Silver Dollar City

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Quick Update

It has been too long since we have given everyone an update on Alicia. First of all, the port placement last month went amazingly well. Much better than her first one from day one. She had her final round of aggressive chemo!
She had a new set of scans done last week and they determined that more information was needed. In follow up to that she had another biopsy done yesterday on the tongue and tonsil.
Last week she got measured for her radiation "cast" and the start date to that remains to be seen.
Next week she will have a feeding tube put in since the radiation will interfere with her ability to eat. I'll try to post some details about the feeding tube in another post...

Bo is doing great. Naturally he loves me and thinks I am hilarious...
Actually he loves everyone and is quick to laugh at pretty much anything. Hard to believe that he is just a few days from 4 months.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments or shoot me an email!